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Harga Pharos Marine Automatic Power

Jual Pharos Marine Automatic Power FA 240 dan FA 250. Termasuk flashchanger lampchanger APCL 5 dengan opsi LED. Hubungi Bpk Diego Sumaryantho Call SMS WA 081-330-786858 atau email

FA 249 FA 250 FA 165 LED, APCL 5 APRB 252 288, BL 511 buoy 620 717 826 steel metal buoy, BLF 59 Lighted Foam Buoy, PMAPI molded fiberglass buoys, mooring anchor sandblast dimetcote coating enamel, FA-240 Range Light Incandescent LED, FA-249801 HR Fresnel-type acrylic drum lens system, FA-85801  FD-330 Fog Detector FD-410EX LBEA-85 LED Light, Marine Lantern, LIEX-710/22 FM Approved zone 1 2, Octahedral Radar Reflector, Phalcon 2000  RACONS are important all-weather aids to navigation, PR-500 LED LR leading lights and traffic signaling system.

FA-165EX HSL Helideck Status Light, FA-165-AIL Area Illumination, FA-165HA Red LED Aviation, Repeater Red LED Subsidiary, FA-249 Gimbaled LED Incandescent, FA-250EX APCL 5-10 962, FA-166EX Hazardous Area, ATONIS R AIS Repeater pro, Windsock Fixture FA-166EX 149mm Flameproof, FA-250 LED marine lantern, FA-249 LED marine lantern, FA-250 LED LP General, DRE-LP / DTH-LP RWSL - Low-Protrusion LED Runway Status Lights, airfield taxiway lighting, LED centerline taxiway light, rapid exit taxiways, as stop bars, intermediate holding position lights & other purposes, Stop Bar and Holding Position Inset Light, straight and curved sections, Taxiway / Apron Edge inset intersection, Omnidirectional Inset Light, A high-intensity dual flashing Elevated Runway Guard Light, lead-in lead-out pavement.

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